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Monthly Review: January

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

January did not feel like a year for me; it was more of a blink. Between starting another semester of grad school and trying to keep track of two people's constantly changing and completely different schedules, I stayed busy all month long – too busy to devote much time to non-academic writing at all.

But as much as I love being in grad school (read my recap of first semester here), I do miss writing for fun. Even in months such as this one, where time or creative constraints prohibit more involved posts, I don't want to ghost my own blog (or the lovely people who read it!).

When I asked for content ideas as I was starting this blog, a number of people mentioned they would like to hear about what I'm reading, what I'm cooking, and what I'm thinking about in general. To help myself produce at least some consistent content in the midst of my unpredictable life, I intend to write a brief review of each month to share the books, recipes, and projects I've been working on.

What I Read

  • Suggested Reading, David Connis (★★)

  • The How and the Why, Cynthia Hand (★★★★)

  • On Reading Well, Karen Swallow Prior (★★★★★)

  • The Cactus, Sarah Haywood (★)

  • How I Know God Answers Prayer, Rosalind Goforth (★★★★)

If you want to hear the rationale behind my rating, head to my Goodreads for full reviews.

What I Cooked

With our work schedules being what they are at the moment, Mitchell and I are regularly getting home after 7 at least one or two nights a week. On those nights, I like to have dinner waiting in my crockpot when I get home. This meal isn't quite as throw-and-go as I prefer, but it would be delicious for a Sunday dinner or an evening when you're expecting company and you want to impress without trying too hard.

I hate traditional sloppy joes, but when I ran into this recipe on Instagram, it intrigued me. Served alongside homemade fries with spicy mayo, these sandwiches are delicious. Would do again.

This recipe has been chilling on my Pinterest board of things I want to make for an embarrassingly long time, so I finally decided to give it a try. Although this soup wasn't as flavorful as I would have preferred (if I were to make it again, I would definitely up the garlic and add crushed red pepper flakes), it was easy and budget friendly.

My brother-in-law requested a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for his birthday, and while I'm sure he would have been just as happy with a box mix and a can of frosting, I prefer to bake from scratch. My cake decorating skills, despite the best efforts of my junior high home ec teacher, are pretty much non-existent, so I was thrilled to find a recipe that would not require multiple layers (which would have used cake pans I don't have) or fancy frosting techniques. And seeing as he ate 3 pieces the night it was served, I think it's safe to say that this cake is a keeper.

What I Created

  • Original poem "Not My Year"

  • Blackout poem "Admonishments"

  • A 5,000 word essay focusing on my faith journey (written for one of my grad classes)

As I get into February, my courseload will only intensify, but I'm hoping to continue enjoying my favorite activities in the midst of the chaos. Life will always be busy, but I don't think a full schedule should prohibit me from doing the things I love. Whatever those things are for you, I hope you find time to savor them in the short weeks of February.

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